Wednesday 23 November 2011

Run commadn list

Following is the list of run commands that you can use in run box and save your time of data browsing from your hard disk.

Work....                             Commands

Command Prompt                 cmd
Add/Remove Programs         appwiz.cpl
Adobe Acrobat                     acrobat
Calculator                              calc
Clipboard Viewer                  clipbrd
Control Panel                        control
Date and Time Properties      timedate.cpl
Device Manager                    devmgmt.msc
Disk Defragment                   dfrg.msc
Disk Partition Manager         diskpart
Display Properties                control desktop
Display Properties                desk.cpl
Event Viewer                        eventvwr.msc
Findfast                                findfast.cpl
Game Controllers                 joy.cpl
Help and Support                helpctr
Internet Explorer                  iexplore
IP Configuration                   ipconfig /all
Logs You Out Of Windows     logoff
Microsoft Paint                     mspaint
Microsoft Powerpoint           powerpnt
Microsoft Word                   winword
Real Player                           realplay
Registry Editor                      regedit32
Remote Desktop                   mstsc
Shuts Down Windows           shutdown
Sounds and Audio                 mmsys.cpl
System Properties                 sysdm.cpl
Task Manager                      taskmgr
User Account Management    nusrmgr.cpl
Windows XP Tour                 tourstart
Wordpad                               write

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